Tuesday, July 7, 2009

First Entry

Always wondered whether it's ok to go online in my office...anyway, since everyone's out for lunch...and i lead a sad life where i do not have a car...i thought i might as well start my own blog...

You see, i used to like shopping a lot...until i realised, it requires a lot of money.. so then came food. Food requires not as much, and yet satisfies me..though, it explains my horrible weight gain...

Anyway, food still remains my passion..well besides others...i.e., *thinking*...we'll get back to that later....lol..

Besides my loving food, I'll list another 10 facts about yours truly..

10. I am stuck...in an office...as an intern..paid crap..being asked to do things i hope i am not meant to do when i do start working professionally (i hope). it would be to boring...

9. 19 this year..and yet car-less...but seriously, the reason i want a car it's because i do not want to burden my grandparents anymore..

8. yes, i live with my grandparents. Why? the Internet is to public to let such personal information be published...

7. I have a dog, Max, he's so cute but fat..

6. I hate tolls and the government for creating them.

5. i love to cook...but am not bothered when it comes to cooking for one...too troublesome, and noone to the washing for me..

4. I love watching tv...am so addicted to ghost whisperer now..but am still waiting for someone to loan me one tree hill

3. I dream of migrating to Goldcoast where you get both city and the beach, (Hawaii's fine too..:p) and finally retiring in Italy (yes, dear..i know..mafias..but if you don't disturb them, i think they're all right....i think...anyway, what makes you think there aren't any here..)

2. I run 5 days a week...because, yes..i am extremely conscious about my body, though i love food...

1. The most important things in my life are God, my family, my dear, my friends and then food...(I know how to prioritise).

Anyway, that's it for know..gonna go back to work soon...so dreadful..

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